
Who’s at bat? You can always check it with LivematchPro’s enhanced baseball tracker!

STATSCORE’s LivematchPro has been providing baseball fans all over the world with the most reliable and accurate real-time data. This neat game tracker is constantly being developed to make its users as up-to-date with the developments on the baseball diamond as possible. 

American pastime, Japan’s beloved team sport, the game of numbers… baseball is a truly unique game, which requires and deserves special data coverage. And who could provide better than STATSCORE?

Our LivematchPro has lately been upgraded to provide baseball fans and bettors with all kinds of detailed information they may need to be able to keep up with the game. 

These include a deep level of live game data, which allows them to closely follow not just the score and specific incidents taking place on the field, but to stay updated with the whole course of an inning through the live data regarding strikes, balls, and outs taking place. 

You can check the demo version of LMP here!

The latest upgrade consists in enriching the baseball tracker with ball and bat icons (available within Premium plan of LivematchProwhich provide immediate knowledge on which team is pitching, and which one is hitting at any specific moment. Such information is, of course, priceless for those willing to bet on the outcome (or number of runs scored) of an inning, which obviously makes it a hit for a betting business!

Check out LivematchPro right now!

Moreover, it’s also highly useful for the supporters of the involved teams who want to follow the game when they’re unable to actually watch it, which in turn may serve as a huge crowd-puller for online sports media.

Sounds good?

STATSCORE’s LivematchPro is ready to help you attract more fans and bettors to baseball coverage. Want to learn more? Drop us an email directly at or let’s talk on LiveChat!