STATSCORE staff met to sum up the last two months

If you’ve had the chance to follow STATSCORE for a while, you will know that we work within a Scaled Agile Framework. This means that we split a year into 10-weeks increments. At the end of each increment, we meet, to sum up our achievements and plan the next increment. And we do this with style, bringing the entire office staff to a fancy hotel to spend a whole day together.

Friday’s meeting was opened by our one and only Łukasz, who is the guy that knows how to keep us all on track. If someone tends to speak too long, he is the first to gently point to the speaker that maybe this is the right time to come to conclusions. And you can trust me – this is the hardest job ever, as we all have lots to talk about. Every department is delivering lots of innovations and developments that they are proud to share with their colleagues.

Of course, speaking about the present is only one pillar of who we are. The other is made up of our mission and core values. STATSCORE’s CEO Tomasz Myalski reminded everyone about the five main areas, where not only the company but every single employee has to keep on improving.

These are (as you might have heard):

  • Passion
  • Optimism
  • Creativity
  • Continuous self-development
  • Teamwork

Learn more about STATSCORE culture!

We also checked how far we have travelled in our trip to become The Biggest Sports Data Center in 2023. Tomasz presented the key results summary which proved that we have made another significant step to reach our goal!

Then we all set out to plan the shortest iteration of the year – it will only cover December. We still have some key programs to deliver, but we tend to spend the end of the year on the preparation of everything that needs to be done in 2020. This way we can be 100% ready for action at the start of the New Year.

Last but not least, we used the opportunity of meeting all of our colleagues outside of the office, for less formal team building and just getting more familiar with each other. Do you know that we have one of the best triathlon athletes in Poland amid our staff? And have you heard that another one is a top hip-hop performer? If you keep up to date and follow our blog, of course, you would already know this.

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